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Export Sekanjabin syrup

Export Sekanjabin SyrupORDER NOW Sekanjabin syrup EXPORT FROM IRAN Being a major export firm in Iran, Sepvillage is happy to introduce the world to one of Iran’s most beloved culinary treasures: Sekanjebin syrup. Composed from vinegar, sugar, and a variety of herbs, this sweet and sour syrup is a staple of Iranian cuisine and a popular element in everything from …

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export syrup saffron to everywhere

Export Saffron syrup

Export Saffron SyrupORDER NOW SAFFron syrup EXPORT FROM IRAN If you’re looking to enter the lucrative market of saffron syrup exports, you’ve come to the right place. Saffron syrup is in high demand globally, with a growing food and beverage industry and a desire for premium food products. With careful planning and attention to detail, exporting saffron syrup can be …

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popular products of Sepvillage

SEpvillage’s Popular Products Dried fruit Iran is the second-largest producer and exporter of dried fruits after the USA. Sepvillage, one of the best Iranian dry fruits companies, makes every effort to ensure that. In addition to high quality and the best prices, dry fruits have excellent export health. Special machines do the packaging of Iranian dried fruits. Dried Coconut …

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savory herb

What Is Savory Herb?

Whenever the word “mystery” is mentioned, most of them probably think of the delicious taste first. They do not know that there is actually a plant known as savory! This plant gives a distinctive and peppery taste to various foods (especially meat recipes).

kiwi export stats

Iran’s kiwi export statistics

Kiwi export from Iran is one of the economic trades that has a considerable return on investment. Annually, about 30% of all kiwifruit products in Iran are exported to other countries and Iranian fresh kiwi exports amounted to 104 thousand tons worth $ 47 million in 2020.

Top 10 Herbs for Your Kitchen

Top 10 Herbs for Your Kitchen

A kitchen isn’t complete without the energy and flavor that herb plants can bring to it. In this article of Sepcotrading, we listed some of the greatest herbs Which add spice to your meals throughout the year. Herb plants can grow better under sunlight, so you can place them beside a sunny window indoors.

kiwi wholesale

kiwi export

FRESH KIWI EXPORTORDER NOW KIWI EXPORT FROM IRAN Kiwi export from Iran is one of the economic trades that has a considerable return on investment. Annually, about 30% of all kiwifruit products in Iran are exported to other countries and Iranian fresh kiwi exports amounted to 104 thousand tons worth $47 million in 2020. Kiwi Export to turkey Turkey is …

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kiwi fruit benefits

amazing kiwi fruit benefits

Kiwi is a large berry that grows on a species of Actinidia woody grape. Kiwi is commonly grown in New Zealand, but this daring berry is actually grown in East China. Kiwi is rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber and offers various health benefits. This sour fruit can support heart health, gastrointestinal health, and immune system.

herbal export

Herbal export data and statistics

The use of herbal medicines is increasing all around the world as one of the elements of complementary and alternative medicine. Here in this article, we gathered some information about the importance of herbal medicine and some stats of the most exported herbals from Iran to other countries.

kiwi in pregnancy

Eating kiwi in Pregnancy. Good or bad?!

Pregnancy is an exciting and special time. There are a lot of things that you as a parent must prepare for the little one on the way. There are clothes to buy, a baby room to prepare and stuff with toys, and the list goes on. But if you put all your focus on preparing stuff for the baby, how can you find the energy to read and gather information available to expectant mothers?

Saffron benefits for skin

5 saffron health benefits for skin

Saffron is rich in manganese, which regulates blood sugar and in turn, gives you glowing skin. It is rich in nutrients and full of health, skin, and hair benefits. Saffron has innumerable benefits so you can add to your diet, you can combine this power spice with milk.

types of raisins

Different types of raisins

There are many different types of raisins with different shapes, colors, sizes, and flavors. In this article, we are going to show you different types of raisins. So just keep reading to find out more about this wonderful dried fruit.

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